I have been planning to write about my 24 in 2024 list since January, and here we are at the end of 2024. I documented a lot of my projects on social media, but now I can also explain the list AND give a recap on how I did!
I started doing this yearly list last year in 2023 after hearing about it on one of my favorite podcasts, Happier with Gretchen Rubin. Last year the purpose of the list was to help me find joy during a time when I was otherwise in a big transition in life (right before my move to Dubai!).
I ended up loving the process so much that I decided to continue with a 24 in 2024 list. One of my very favorite things about it is that I find myself more present and more grateful, rather than just going through motions and time passing by.
This year my theme was "reunion" because it was time for my 20-year high school reunion. (I'm not sure how THAT is possible!) I was hoping to attend the event, but the scheduling didn't work out this time. I knew that might be a possibility going into the calendar year because I plan way ahead for summer, as I live abroad and book things well in advance before ticket prices get too high. The date for the reunion was announced after I had already booked my summer flights, so I missed the reunion by only a few days. Despite that, I wanted it to be the theme of the year, and 2024 has definitely been a good one!
1. Relish in 10 reunions.
Last year I had it on my list to visit five loved ones. While that did bring me joy, I realized that I also cherish the people who visit me and/or meet up with me somewhere in the world! I am SHOCKED at what a great year of reunions this has been.
2. Complete 24 projects that nourish my creative spirit.
In addition, I also met a wonderful woman last year at my new school in Dubai. That teacher has since left our school, but she still holds a very special place in my heart. (I'm looking forward to a future reunion with her!)
3. Finish settling into my apartment in Dubai.
This was another project that is unfinished as of now. Yes, I have lived here over a year, and yes, I am still settling in. I went fast and furious in the first few weeks during orientation when I first arrived in Dubai. I got about 85% done in that short amount of time! Aaaaand that was as far as I got for the rest of the school year. It turns out that Year One in a new school in a new city in a new country is INTENSE.
4. Rebuild my (physical) strength.
Running has always been a HUGE part of my identity. I've always loved working out, which is why I felt so "off" to not have a regular workout/run routine for the past couple of years. There is a really long story as to why I got away from it, but the goal was to find my way back again this year.
5. Figure out how to use the soda water machine that I bought so that I can use it.I bought the Bubble Bro (Soda Stream's long lost cousin) but I never actually got around to unpacking it or setting it up. I put it on the list so that I would take the 10 minutes to figure out how to use the machine.
6. Go on 24 adventures.
Someone asked me recently what I count as an "adventure." Well, anything really! When I run errands, I sometimes call it my "Friday afternoon adventure," for example. I noticed that this year, however, I mostly documented my travels.
7. Complete coursework so I can take Kodรกly Level 3 in the summer (and officially finish my levels!).
Kodรกly is a training specifically for music teachers. Year ago, I did another training called Orff. I completed Levels 1 and 2 consecutively, but when I moved abroad the dates conflicted for Level 3. I did eventually go back and finish five years later, but it was really hard to get back into the rhythm of it after being away for so long.
8. Get my watch batteries replaced so I can wear them again.
This one is pretty self explanatory. REUNITE with my watches!
9. Find a favorite weekend coffee spot in Dubai.
I am very lucky with my housing situation. I live within walking distance to several coffee shops. I had dreams of trying each one.
Motor City friends, I like the one where you don't have to cross a busy road.
10. Celebrate one thing each month that I couldn't do during years of Covid lockdowns.This list item was inspired by my friend who was conducting the Community Choir dress rehearsal in Fall 2023. She stopped at one point and said, "I know we are all tired, but do you know what I would have given to be standing right here on a stage with my students three years ago?" She was right. It stunned me how quickly I was able to take things for granted.
I have learned that the pandemic was a very different experience in Oman than it was in other Western places like the USA. We were on hard lockdown for longer because the vaccine took longer to become available, and masking and gathering restrictions were in place until June 2022. Then suddenly, it was announced that it was all going away, and all restrictions were lifted pretty much overnight.
- JANUARY: Hiking (this was even closed down for long periods of time in Oman!)
- FEBRUARY: Attending concerts
- MARCH: Gathering with friends at the Motor City Progressive Dinner
- APRIL: Travel
- MAY: Performing in Community Choir
- JUNE: Kids on a stage at the big 5th Grade Concert!
- JULY: Going to Target (I didn't go to the US in 2020 because the airport where I lived at the time shut down for a little over half a year, and the evacuation flights were very expensive that summer)
- AUGUST: In-person teaching for our first day of school
- SEPTEMBER: Buying a coffee and taking it grocery shopping
- OCTOBER: Stepping outside "the bubble" and meeting new people, specifically in another culture, though stepping out of the bubble in general is pretty great
- NOVEMBER: Volleyball season
- DECEMBER: Getting my hair cut (especially the hair wash!)
11. Reconnect with nature.
I missed hiking. I didn't have a lot of time for it during my last year in Oman, and I really missed my time outside in the sunshine. I am definitely solar-powered.
12. Go on 24 friend dates (in-person or virtual).This item was my attempt at "getting out more." Whatever that means.
13. Take a class or course on something I want to learn.
This was a repeat from my 2023 list. That year, I took a breathwork class and absolutely loved it. I wanted to continue to encourage myself to try new things. Luckily, Dubai is the PERFECT place for that.
14. Save $๐คซ๐คซ๐คซ for retirement.
I do have the specific amount written down for myself, but you don't get to know EVERYTHING.
15. Give up something for a month.
The idea behind this was to see how I felt when I was REUNITED with the thing that I gave up. I got this idea when I accidentally didn't watch Netflix for three weeks at one point last year, and I decided to see what it would be like to go a whole month without it. I ended up with a much healthier relationship and better boundaries when I started again.
HOW IT WENT: I did Dry January this year, which meant that I didn't drink any alcohol for the whole month. I am not a big drinker these days anyway, so this wasn't too challenging for me after all. There was a moment when I was at the Ed Sheeran concert where I ordered a beer and had to change my order to Sprite when I suddenly remembered, but otherwise it went smoothly.
REUNION: I do a Golden Girls dinner with a friend (approximately 2 or 3pm so we can still get to bed early, because I've been 84 since I was approximately 5 years old). We usually go to a restaurant that has yummy cocktails and a delicious meal, including cookies for dessert (instead of cheesecake!). It's super fun to do every once in awhile, so it will stay in my life for now. Otherwise, I didn't really miss anything else during Dry January.
16. Attend a community event/activity/festival I never have before.
The original intent of this activity was to explore more of Dubai, which almost always has a festival happening.
HOW IT WENT: I attended the Sharjah Light Festival with some new friends in January. This was a very cool light show and also an adventure to a new-to-me emirate, too!
In April, I met up with some friends for an impromptu event to make "thank you" packages for our community workers who made huge efforts to cleanup after the massive rains and flooding.
This is a side road that goes to a highway. The picture was taken FOUR DAYS after the rains stopped!
I also technically went to the World's Largest Classical Music Festival (or something like that?) back in February, though I don't think I actually posted about it. I saw four concerts in one week, all German orchestras playing German composers (yay, Brahms!). It was GLORIOUS. I also happened to (literally) bump into one of the people from the Netflix show Dubai Bling, so I was celebrity-adjacent and very tongue-tied about it.
17. Catch up on doctors' appointments.
I let the whole self-care thing go by the wayside in 2023. It was a challenging year for me, and I also found it challenging to find new doctors moving to a new city. I decided to make it a specific project so I could work on it slowly this year, with the goal of REUNITING with my health.
HOW IT WENT: I did it, slowly but surely! I finally faced my nerves and went to the dentist. I had a dermatologist check on some spots on my cheek that I was concerned about (they are just freckles - yay!). I had blood tests that were long overdue and some scans that are routine but also necessary to make sure everything is still looking normal (so far, so good!).
I had a couple of minor health problems this year but was able to get support from some incredible doctors here. I am so grateful to have the access to good medical care and the insurance to cover it too. I am lucky that I get to be both happy AND healthy here.
18. Create a special shrine/memorial in my house to honor my shooting stars.
This one is very hard to write about, even now.
19. Attend another yoga retreat.
I went to a yoga retreat in Thailand in Winter 2021/2022 immediately post-heartbreak. The yoga retreat was very powerful and exactly what I needed at the time. I found a lot of healing and also met some lovely people who are actually still in my orbit today.
HOW IT WENT: I found a wonderful retreat in Corfu, Greece. It turns out that I really did need to take some time to slow down, as the previous year had been a whirlwind with big changes in my life (i.e., moving countries and changing jobs).
I did yoga twice a day everyday for all eight days of the retreat. I slept a lot, ate yummy Greek food, drank coffee slowly, and went on yogi adventures (mostly hikes) with some very beautiful people. It was exactly what I needed this year. Sneak peek: This helped inspire the theme for my 2025 list!
20. Read more books by BIPOC authors.
I've been doing this for years, but this year I wanted to be more intentional about it.
HOW IT WENT: GREAT! I'm really glad I decided to focus on BIPOC authors this year. I read and listened to fiction and non-fiction books by some WONDERFUL authors. My favorite books of the year were the ones ones that taught me something new and/or challenged my thinking. Even though this list item will be changing next year, I plan to continue being intentional about reading and supporting BIPOC authors moving forward as well.
My favorite fiction book this year was James by Percival Everett, which is the (much better) story of Huck Finn from a very different perspective. My other favorite read was a mix of realistic fiction and non-fiction: Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi is inspired by the Central Park Exonerated Five and includes poetry written by one of the boys when he was on trial and serving part of his sentence. It is an incredibly powerful read.
21. Document my medical history all in one place.
The reason I wanted to do this was mainly to make my medical appointments (#17) go more smoothly.
HOW IT WENT: It didn't... I ended up going to doctors before I actually did the documenting, and it was all fine. It would probably be useful to actually do this, but I find that doctors ask specific questions that they need to know about personal and family history, so I definitely lost steam/interest in this task.
22. Find a way to store/display my childhood memories.Everything I own is with me in Dubai. I used to have a storage unit in the USA that I paid for monthly but I decided a couple of things: I want to stay abroad longer than the original 2-year plan, so it doesn't make sense to keep paying to store furniture and household goods. I also decided that if something was worth keeping in my life, it should be worth having it with me. I have significantly paired down my possessions over the past few years, and now everything I own brings me joy.
23. Do something uniquely Dubai every month.
I think it can be really easy to settle into a routine of things you know when living in a city. I used to know someone who had lived in the UAE for five years, and she told me that she never got around to visiting all of the emirates here (there are seven of them). The same thing happened when I lived in NYC. I knew people who had lived there for decades and had never seen the Statue of Liberty.
HOW IT WENT: I did pretty well this year, though it was harder during my busy season (coaching volleyball is a LOT, and I cherish my downtime during Season 1). I used those times to appreciate and notice the little things about living here. Here is what I experienced in Dubai this year:- JANUARY: Expo City (built for the World's Fair in 2020/2021)
- FEBRUARY: The opera house, with STUNNING views of the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world right now!).
- MARCH: La Perle, a sort of Cirque du Soleil-esque show. My impression is that some people had a brainstorming session, made a list of all the ideas that would make a good show, skipped the editing process, and went straight to production. It was so extra - I absolutely loved it!
- APRIL: Travel! I can get almost anywhere in the world in just one stop. When I lived in Yangon, I used to transit through Dubai. While I was connecting to another 6-hour flight, I remembering thinking how lucky people were to be leaving the airport. And now, I am one of those lucky people!
- MAY: Time Out Market at the Dubai Mall (yes, I know this is not technically unique because there are Time Out Markets in other cities, but I still count it because ours is in a souk!)
- JUNE: Brunch - Dubai is famous for it
- JULY: (I wasn't here.)
- AUGUST: One of those little moments... I got my car washed while I went shopping in the mall, and then drove through a sandstorm on the way home. Definitely a unique series of events for me!
- SEPTEMBER: Shawarma for breakfast
- SEPTEMBER AGAIN: Day trip to Abu Dhabi
- NOVEMBER: Wicked on the world's largest movie screen
- DECEMBER: Sunset walk on The Palm, a manmade island in Dubai
- JANUARY: Expo City (built for the World's Fair in 2020/2021)
- FEBRUARY: The opera house, with STUNNING views of the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world right now!).
- MARCH: La Perle, a sort of Cirque du Soleil-esque show. My impression is that some people had a brainstorming session, made a list of all the ideas that would make a good show, skipped the editing process, and went straight to production. It was so extra - I absolutely loved it!
- APRIL: Travel! I can get almost anywhere in the world in just one stop. When I lived in Yangon, I used to transit through Dubai. While I was connecting to another 6-hour flight, I remembering thinking how lucky people were to be leaving the airport. And now, I am one of those lucky people!
- MAY: Time Out Market at the Dubai Mall (yes, I know this is not technically unique because there are Time Out Markets in other cities, but I still count it because ours is in a souk!)
- JUNE: Brunch - Dubai is famous for it
- JULY: (I wasn't here.)
- AUGUST: One of those little moments... I got my car washed while I went shopping in the mall, and then drove through a sandstorm on the way home. Definitely a unique series of events for me!
- SEPTEMBER: Shawarma for breakfast
- SEPTEMBER AGAIN: Day trip to Abu Dhabi
- NOVEMBER: Wicked on the world's largest movie screen
- DECEMBER: Sunset walk on The Palm, a manmade island in Dubai
24. Take in 24 days of culture.The plan was to be intentional and mindful while enjoying concerts and museums.
HOW IT WENT: I didn't quite make it to 24 BUT I loved trying! I took in some wonderful concerts and shows, went on a food tour and temple hopping, and learned about other traditions and cultures.
A highlight for me was meeting one of my very favorite performers at the stage door of Chicago after I saw it on Broadway in NYC this summer. I was absolutely starstruck!
Day 1: Abrahamic Family House, Abu Dhabi, UAE ๐ฆ๐ช
Day 2: Hamilton in Abu Dhabi, UAE ๐ฆ๐ช
Days 3-5: Classical Concert Series at the Dubai Opera ๐ฆ๐ช
Day 6: Food tour in Athens, Greece ๐ฌ๐ท
Day 7: Seven Villages Hike in Naxos, Greece ๐ฌ๐ทDay 9: I met Jinkx Monsoon!! She was brilliant in Chicago on Broadway in NYC, USA ๐บ๐ธ
Day 10: Goodman Theatre in Chicago, USA ๐บ๐ธ
Day 14: Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, Egypt ๐ช๐ฌ
Day 15: Abu Simbel Temple in Aswan, Egypt ๐ช๐ฌ
- It's fun to have a project!
- I documented my 24 in 2024 on instagram and Facebook, so I have a collection of my memories from the year all in one album.
- I was more present and intentional.
- I don't need to "be like an extrovert" or anything else that isn't true to me.
- I'm proud I completed my Kodรกly course, adulted hardcore (AKA, figured out my new insurance and found new doctors here in Dubai), got back to running, and went for a big retirement goal.
- I had fun with friend dates and reunions, and I realized that I "get out more" than I thought.
- My favorite project was probably #23, finding things to do that are uniquely Dubai.
- My most special adventure was walking the last 100km of the Camino de Santiago this summer, though it was also very cool to visit two Wonders of the World this year, too!
- I'm especially proud of the grace I have given to myself on projects and list items that I DIDN'T complete. That's a lot of personal growth for this recovering perfectionist!
- I had a LOT of list items that were "24 ____" and/or "do something every month." I had moments throughout the year where it started to feel a bit overwhelming.
- I would like come up with more one-off items on future lists, though that feels more like a to-do list, which is way less fun than a project.
- I have a VERY different theme for 2025, inspired by two of the items from this year's list.
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